Swedish training machine for hockey goalies

As a representative of Swedish company we offer you the opportunity to purchase a tool for goalie training - directly from the producer:

In Sweden, they use these machines for training goalkeepers of all ages. Machines are  mentioned for shooting of pucks. Just buy one such machine and you can use it for your entire hockey club. They currently do the same at more than 100 hockey clubs in Sweden. The machine can be used both on ice and on dry land as part of summer preparation (on artificial surfaces, concrete, mowed lawn, etc.).

In Sweden, it is very popular for its mobility and the possibility of training up to 3 goalkeepers at the same time. The speed and pace of shooting pucks is always set according to the age and performance of the goalkeepers. Our machines are also widely used by summer hockey schools and special goalie schools. Machines are made in Sweden and the producer transports machines directly to your winter stadium. The machine can also be delivered to individuals who are betting on their hockey goalie future.

The Swedish manufacturer supplies the market with 3 types of machines:

- with one magazine for 30 pucks - fires only manually

- with a capacity of 60 pucks (2 magazines of 30) - the best-selling and most used type

Both types of machines are currently used not only in Sweden, but also in Norway, Denmark, Finland, Russia, Czechia, Latvia, Belarus, Slovakia, Slovenia, France, Austria, and from this summer also in Switzerland...

Are you also interested to buy a machine for your hockey club or goalie school? Contact us today. We will deliver the selected type of pukom directly from the Swedish manufacturer to your destination!

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